Emmi Pet ultrasonic technology is effective yet gentle cleaning. Unlike conventional toothbrushes that rely on mechanical brushing or loud and noisy vibrations, the emmi-pet toothbrush uses high-frequency vibrations to reduce plaque and bacteria. This not only provides a deeper clean, but also makes brushing a stress-free experience for your dog. We use this along with the Emmi pet ultrasonic toothpaste with microbubbles, without titanium dioxide, fluoride and parabens
it is gluten free and vegan.
Our groomers will start with a free consultation, if your dog is suitable for treatment we will then book initial sessions to soften the plaque and start circulation to the gums, if and when it is safe to do so we will use additional dental tools to help the plaque fall off and remove stains. Initial sessions should be carried out every 7 days and you may need 2-5 depending on the condition of your pets teeth. After this maintenance sessions will be booked for every 4-12 weeks. Please note that if you miss appointments initial treatment may have to start again.
Our trained groomers offer efficient cleaning of the teeth and gums, to reduce bacteria in the dog's saliva, plaque and bad breath. Having regular treatments promotes blood circulation to the gums and prevents tartar by reducing plaque.
over time and treatments this reduces inflammation, prevents tartar and gum disease and reducing the need for professional dental cleanings by a veterinarian. Please note, it does not replace a visit to the vet and we recommend having your dog's teeth professionally checked regularly.
After the initial treatment sessions, maintenance sessions can be booked with your regular 4-12 week grooms, which sits perfectly within the 4-12 week recommended maintenance schedule. So your pet can leave with a head to toe pamper looking after not only their coat and skin but their teeth and gums as well.
Initial Sessions are 30-45 mins and cost £40
Maintenance sessions are 15 mins and cost £25
Please note that not all dogs are suitable, depending on their dental condition, an behaviour treatments may not be possible but our groomers will keep you in the loop and give fulll feedback after the first session.
Your pet will know and trust us as we already have a bond with your pet from their groom, so they will be more relaxed and happy with us to carry out the clean in an environment they know. Our dental tools and brush heads are sterilised, and treated after every session with a strong and pet safe cleaning solution, killing all virus, and bacteria ensuring your pet is safe from cross contamination, giving you peace of mind that all treatments are safe and hygienic, you can also purchase your own toothbrush heads which you can keep or store with us just for your pet if you wish to. for an addition £7 on your first treatment.
Please see our policies or give us a call for more information.